
To arrange, establish, open, run, manage and super vise orphanages, old aged homes, night shelter, community center and Mahila ashram, Nari Niketan.

Work for upliftment of women, girls, widows and orphans, illiterate, old-aged, handicapped and mentally retarded persons in general.

To arrange legal awareness camps.

To arrange, establish and look after and supervise nursery/higher secondary/primary and upper secondary education institutions and to provide education to the general public poor and needy children, sc/st, community weaker section as per policy of the govt. of India.

To open library, reading rooms, to the poor and needy students/children.

To distribute award/scholarships prize to the eligible students/children.

To provide health care facilities, medical relied and to open and manage charitable dispensaries clinic etc.

To make efforts for providing the facilities of games & sports by establish, arrange and manage yoga centers, vyayamshalas and playgrounds.

To arrange for blood donation camps.

To help and arrange relief camps during flood fire, famine, cyclone, and earth-quake, epidemic, accident etc.

To publish books, research papers, magazines and bulletin in subject mentioned in Sub Clouse 6.1.1 to 6.1.4. of Section 6.1

To sail, improve, manage and develop all or any of the property or the society.

To promote the cause of national integration and unity of India.

To open and run centers and hold classes for adult education, technical, tailoring sewing, embroidery, handicraft, typing center, shorthand centers, computer center etc.

To do all such actions which are necessary for fulfilling the aims and objects of the society.


Praesent diam massa, interdum quis ex id.