Targeted Intervention Programme

Targeted Intervention Programme

It is a wonderful opportunity that Kalyanm has been entrusted with one of the noblest act of working with the most marginalised and isolated sections of the society. It is also a challenge, since it is a herculian task to reach out to the beneficiaries (drug users) and gain their trust. It is a fact that hardly any so called normal member of the society, even the family members does not like to associate with the drug users, more so with the IDUs. They are looked at with fear, as burden, distrust and as completely distorted personalities.

At this present scenario the task of Kalyanam is to focus on prevention of HIV infection among IDUs. It has been learned from community visits that one has to rather look at different facets of the menace of drug abuse. They expect the workers to solve each and very problem of the community people. A strong networking link is needed for assistance to the community people and at the same time keeping focused on the assigned task of prevention of HIV infection among IDUs.


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